Monday, July 19, 2010

Our Sunday

I love our Sundays :) Erik comes out here to spend the day with both of us. This week Joshua turned 1 month old! So we took him out to Massapequa for the first time :). We stopped at 7-11 and showed off for some of the people we know there lol. Then we stopped at Vicky's (Megan's dad [Rick], step-sister [Allison] and nephew [Ethan] were there in her pool). Finally we made our way to the house so Joshua could meet Dave & Karen for the first time. Despite all of Dave's protests & reservations during my pregnancy about the baby being "an ugly monkey", even he had to admit Joshua is adorable :P and Karen spent an hour staring at, and quietly talking to him. All in all a pretty good day.

Until we went to leave that is. We stopped so I could pick up something for myself for dinner and headed for the highway. About a block before the Wantagh Pkwy Joshua started screaming so I had Erik pull over. We had a diaper explosion on our hands (but super-mom saved the day.. my trunk makes a good changing table with the stroller out of the way lol!). Erik wanted to get back on the road but Joshua was still screaming (hungry) so I hopped in the back seat with a bottle of formula to feed him while we drove. Only one problem.... the driver's side door handle (the outside handle has been broken for ages btw) broke, the INSIDE handle, no way to open that door! Erik had to climb over the passenger seat, and now the truck is unusable for me since I can't climb over the passenger seat : (. Then we hit traffic. We finally got back to my parents and we were both very frustrated and annoyed. What a shitty end to what had been a very good day!!!!

But the topper? I've been following the doctor's orders religiously, I want to heal damn it. Well when that diaper explosion happened I had to get the stroller out of the way and well I just picked it up one and bent over to put it down on the curb. About an hour after Erik left me at my parents (mind you NO-ONE ELSE WAS HOME, they were all out in Port Jefferson...) while I was in the middle of nursing Joshua, I started bleeding, badly. I freaked and called me mom :\.

Now before you worry, within 2 hours the bleeding had returned to normal levels and I'm fine. We figure it's probably because I shouldn't have lifted the stroller (it's heavy). This morning, I'm still fine. It just was the cherry on top. But hey they say that bad things happen in 3s and if that's the case I think we're set for a while!!!!

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