Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frustrated {Warning: partially a rant}

Today We Are 38 Weeks & 2 Days Pregnant ~ Only 12 Days To Go!

What A Way To Start The Day:
I was up and down 1/2 the night because I kept getting back pains and cramping (nothing time-able of course) that would wake me up. I woke up feeling pretty crappy; it started with waves of nausea that went away when I sat down to ate but came back shortly thereafter. Add to that the continuation of the back aches and the cramping (again.. nothing time-able).
I couldn't have any coffee today because I knew the doctors were going to check my sugar levels so that off the bat made the morning suck. I poured a nice big bowl of cereal, pour the milk in only to realize that the milk is sour *gag*. Dad was so nice; he ran out and bought me new milk :) I eat my cereal go to put the box away and drop it, spilling some on the floor. I then had to clean the mess up so I go to grab the broom and almost fall down the basement stairs, grab the broom and... drop it. Pick it back up, sweep up my mess and go to throw it out.. I spilled some of it back on the floor and had to repeat the sweeping process.

My Visit to the Doctor:
I left early (8am) got to the clinic and was signed in by 851am (over an hour EARLY) and still ended up sitting in the waiting room for hours. It was over-crowded; full of cranky, sweaty, achy and very pregnant women. I finally get called into a room and they tell me that there is still sugar in my urine so I have to do another finger stick *sigh*. First the nurse had a defunct needle, then she had another defunct needle. She finally gets a working needle and collects the blood sample but then the machine won't accept the sample. Since I didn't want to get stuck again I just kept squeezing more blood out of the one finger lol; she tried it another 3 times with no luck. Finally another nurse comes in and tells her what she's doing wrong, unfortunately by then the original finger stick has clotted closed GRRR so I had to get another finger stick on another finger.
130 is diabetic; last week I was 100, today I was 105 (and I'd just eaten a bunch of grapes!) so IDK why there's a problem but they start harassing me about the fact that apparently I'm "dumping sugar in my urine" and they want me to re-take the Gestational Diabetes Blood Test. I wanted to scream. I fought them on it and finally got to see an actual doctor (a first) and based on the fact that a) I am 38 weeks and have only been having this problem the past 2 weeks b) I've had a really healthy pregnancy c) my weight gain this week was good d) my last US on 4/30 measured him good and my fluid levels good and e) my cm measure was good; that they should let me see what I can do about it with changing my diet and if it's still an issue next week I'll let them do the blood test.
On the other hand his heart-rate was beautiful nice and loud & crisp clear, hovering around 130bpm she said. All my labs came back from last week NEGATIVE which is great (no infection, no pre-E, and no Strep B).
Finally they did not do another internal exam so I have no idea if I'm dilated at all (wasn't last week....).

The Rest of My Day
I stopped by my favorite diner for lunch and got chicken fingers & spicy fries (I only ate HALF of it and brought the rest home for Steph). $12 later and a happy tummy. I did dishes, spoke to Erik very briefly + washed some of the new baby cloths we got yesterday. Took a nap. Cooked dinner, did some more of the baby laundry we bought yesterday. Spoke to Erik again. Still getting cramps & contractions but still nothing time-able.

Feel Like Begging:
I am so frustrated my back is killing me and I keep getting these "waves" of achiness nothing actually painful just an ache that starts in my back and goes down my legs to my feet, add in a ton of BH contractions where my whole stomach feels like a goddamn rock... but again... nothing time-able. I am so cranky I want to hurt someone and just feel like snapping at everyone. So tired but at the same time so antsy. I feel like begging; please please just be born already!


  1. They didn't check to see if you were having contractions? It sounds like you have the onset of back labor, especially since there is nausea with it. Did you lose your plug yet?

  2. Both of them kind of come and go :\ Nothing is regular at all. For example at the moment all I'm getting are waves of just achiness but no pain, starts in my back and ends at my feet & the Braxton Hicks Contractions where your tummy gets really tight.
    IDK about the plug, the other day I had a pretty big increase in discharge (sorry TMI!!!).
    Mentioned all this to the Dr they just shrugged it off. They were more concerned about my stupid sugar levels.

    Mom keeps giving me funny looks and muttering things about "early labor and doesn't know it" or "nesting much?". Especially that last when she caught me scrubbing the stove... lol
