Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pregnancy & Heat Don't Mix!

Today We Are 38 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant ~ Only 13 Days To Go!!

Pregnancy & Heat Don't Mix:
Today was so hot, it hit 93 in Midtown and the humidity was just stiffing! NYC summers are just gross, and being pregnant in this weather is terrible. I dragged myself outside early in the afternoon for a short walk with Steph anyway and by the time we got back I felt like collapsing.
Now (at 1130pm) it's still really freaking hot! Fortunately we have A/C in the bedroom and I have ours set to a comfy 70deg :D!!

Such A Jew:
****Not trying to be a racist (I am Jewish after all).****
I had this wonderful coupon from Carter's (FYI: Baby Clothing Store) for 25% off an entire purchase, and today was the last day to use it. So Mom & I took a trip up to Bay Terrace Shopping Center this afternoon. Coupon aside? They are having an amazing sale 20-60% off everything. We got a bunch of clothing in the next size up (6mo size) and even a few in the size after that (9mo size). I got a bunch of things and the total (with all the sale prices) was $92 which is actually a pretty good deal, but then the cashier scanned my coupon and the total dropped down to $69. I walked out with a nice big bag of cloths for Joshua, something to do tomorrow (washing it all), and to boot I had a huge grin on my face; even my bank account balance was pretty happy lol!

No Cooking Zone:
Knowing that it was going to be 90+ deg today, dad started some pasta salad last night; all he had to do was mix up some tuna fish and add it in. Now I know I'm not really supposed to eat Tuna, and I've been avoiding it but just a little, once in a while is not going to kill me; so PLEASE don't jump down my throat over that one.. it was just too hot to start cooking! We ate with all the lights off, the windows wide open and the fans on High.

Mom, Dad & I went for another walk tonight. Had to wait until 10pm because they were watching Idol (ugh), and now they're all pissed off because the wrong person won (according to them). Personally I dislike the show & flat out refuse to follow it :) We ended up taking a very short walk tonight because it is still really hot out.

My Other Half:
Erik buzzed me earlier in the day to let me know he might have found a truck. Apparently the bosses are letting him look again :) That makes me very happy lol, and apparently him as well because he sounded much more relaxed. That and the fact that he loves the heat (he says he's a "fire-child").
When he called back later in the evening we actually talked for more than 5min which was nice. He's in a much better mood and I'm so glad I hate to see him so unhappy! He said I can't for you to move back out here, I'm so sick of Fast Food! :) He told me he misses me (and yeah not just for the cooking LoL)!
I told Erik what Mom said about the baby being born on the Full Moon, he said Oh it's certainly possible considering his father is a literal lunatic. LoL!
I Love This Man!

The Plan:
I have a Doctor's Appointment tomorrow at 10am. I've been having some cramping and a lot more Braxton Hicks today, but nothing time-able :( I'm really hoping to get some good news at my appointment!
Then I have a ton of dishes & laundry to do & for some reason I feel compelled to bake a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies; so I think I shall!
Mimi is going away to the Poconos for the weekend (like she does every year) so I will have the bedroom ALL TO MYSELF for the entire weekend!!!!!!!!!
Mom is still insisting that Joshua will be born this weekend. She is even more convinced since there is a Full Moon tomorrow. So we shall see!

So Impatient...:
I just can't wait till he gets here anymore! (Although please note: I am not desperate enough to go the Castor Oil route so have no worries! Spicy food & Pineapple may be in my immediate future though...)I can't wait to hold him in my arms; To see what he looks like; To see him with his father; To see my parents hold their first grandchild; To really know what the past 9months of discomforts & aches and so on have all been for and to know it was all worth it. I've had people tell me that the first time you see your Little One and look in their eyes you will learn the truest love; A mother for her child... I can't wait!

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