Saturday, December 11, 2010

Welcome to Winter

We had our first flurries last week. It has now dropped below 30 Degrees at least once. Welcome to Winter in New York!

Joshua Updates:
He sits up well, although he can't yet pull himself up to a sitting position by himself.
He stands well with only minimal support.
We had to lower the crib mattress, because he was pulling himself up over the top bar!
He's started to outgrow the current size, so is ventured into 9months clothing.
Additionally, he has mastered baby cereals; rice, barley & oatmeal. He has mastered vegetables (excluding Sweet Potatoes which made him sick v_v); squash, carrots, green beans, peas and white potatoes. And now, is attacking fruit with gusto. His favorite food ever is (apparently) peaches, although he does like pears, apples & bananas as well.
He can use a sippy cup (apple juice).
Finally, he has mastered creeping. He is very good at doing the inch worm. And has started what my mom calls "pre-crawling". Getting up on his hands and knees (tummy clearing the floor) and rocking back and forth.

I (honestly) had a blast making Hannukah cookies. So I've decided to make Christmas cookies too :D

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