And as I sit down to write the updates my son is squirming and crying in my lap.
All I can do is post up some pictures and a few quickie bits of info right now. :)
You will have to forgive me.
Here are some Developments
At 7 Weeks:
can roll from back to side
can hold up upper torso
starting to sit with support
tracks people and objects
coos (more than 1 syllable)
has baby babble conversations with people
social smiles and laughter
he is ticklish
24in (measured @ home)
about 11lb (guess)
grasps objects in hands
improved gross motor control
recognizes faces and voices (mommy, daddy, grandma etc)
pays attention to music and has preferences (rain rain go away)
shows interest in own reflection
At Weeks 8
can lift up lower body (slightly) (butt and legs)
aware of feet
12lbs (measured at home)
looks around actively
has "conversations" in baby babel with self and others
grasps and holds onto objects (pacifier, toys etc)
said "ma" (random combination only)
favorite word/sound "ah-ooh-gahh"
says "haiiii" and "haoooh" to people
starting to sooth self (falls asleep with toy and thumb for naps)
starting to sleep through the night (4-8hrs)
first pictures taken (Friday August 13th) :)
Week 9 (2months)
When propped up sitting he can support himself for short periods of time
Sticks tongue out
Started Mimicking
Switched formula to sensitive tummy powder, he seems happier and while farting a lot fewer Colic episodes (so far)
Mr.Bubbles; sleeps holding dog toy.
Started self-entertaining for short periods of time
Sometimes soothes self to sleep.(not just naps)
Started crying whenever Daddy leaves
Me & My Monster
My son
Awww . . . he is so precious!! I love the second studio pic where he is leaning on his hand. Your little guy is growing up so fast.