Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Real Smiles :)

Joshua's newest trick is smiling. Not gas smiles. Not half smiles in his sleep. Real smiles. The kind where he looks right at you and smiles, not just with his mouth either, his whole face lights up and his eyes kind of sparkle. I thought I was in love when he was born??????


My doctor's appointment went well, they told me the incision is finally closed and healing. I had my PP appointment (albeit 1 week early) and they said everything is looking good. Unfortunatly the doctor at the clinic is a little slow...
Dr: Would you like to discuss birth control?
Me: Yes, I would like to get on the pill, but I am breastfeeding
Dr: Well we can give you a prescription for a pill that is a "low dose" it won't interfere with breastfeeding
I get the prescription, fill it, take it home and read the info packet where it clearly states "taking birth control pills may cause your milk supply to dry up, if you are a breastfeeding mother you should not take birth control pills". WTF?!

The weekend was kind of a bummer as Erik was sick so we didn't have our Sunday together. I went to the pool with mom instead, and I actually got to take a (very quick) dip.

On Monday, mom's cousin Marlene came by with her husband (Michael) and their youngest daughter (Brooke). Then Lester came over. Lester is Elaine's brother. Elaine was mom's best friend. RIP ELAINE 06.20.09 ~ WE LOVE YOU!! Lester is insane, he brought bags and BAGS full of gifts for Joshua!

I've also been trying to let Stephanie & Mimi do more things with Joshua..

1 comment:

  1. Awww . . . look at your precious little dude!! Non gas smiles look like they're really cool. Thanks for following my blog.
