Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baby Update!

Today we are 42 Days Pregnant ~~ [5 Days to Go till the original Due Date]

I had a doctors appointment this morning, so here are the updates.
Grandma went with me to the doctors; an interesting experience all around, I'm glad she was there!

* Did not gain any weight (same weight as last week!)
* BP was great
* Urine was clean for sugar again!

Baby's Size:
*After reviewing Monday's sonogram results the NP said my fluid levels look fine, so it looks like I'm just having a big baby (no kidding!).
* The current weight estimate is still at 8lbs 15oz (nearly 9lbs!)

I had my first trip to Labor&Delivery today:
*The NP was unhappy with baby's heartbeat she said it seemed "low".
*When she asked about his movement I told her it's been very minimal. So she sent me up to the 3rd floor to L&D.
*They did a quick Sonogram, put me on Heart-Monitoring & had me doing kick counts.
*The sonogram was OK she showed me how long his Femur (Leg bone) is OMG!
*The heart-monitoring showed his heart-rate varying between 115-150 (110 - 160 is OK).
*The 20min period of Kick-counting, he achieved 32 movements.
*While I was there I started getting contractions! They are pains in my back & front and they're actually well... painful.
*The NP from L&D told me baby is A-OK.
*They sent me home with orders to do Kick-Counts after each meal.
*They also told me when the contractions are so painful I can't talk through them, to come back. LoL.

Here's to hoping they get much more painful & soon!

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