Wednesday, June 2, 2010

39 Weeks...

Today we are 39 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant ~ Only 6 Days to Go!!

Drunk Drivers:
Dad & I went out for a short walk Monday evening and almost got hit (3x) by the same one drunk driver. He was swerving all over the place and finally turned onto our block, stopped at our neighbors blasting music (@ 11pm) and then took off towards Union Tpk. I called 911 and reported them.

Sara's Wedding:
My cousin Sara's wedding was yesterday (Tuesday). I stayed home. I had a lot of contractions and other activity all morning, but it disappeared by the time the rest of the family left. Turns out it was a good thing I didn't go as they sat in traffic on the GW Bridge for 2hours (I use the bathroom every 15/20min.... lol). I had a huge burst of energy and just started cleaning; I did all the dishes, cleaned the stove, the counters. Then I started cooking; Stuffed Mushrooms, Deviled Eggs, & Mashed Potatoes.

My Perfect Evening:
Erik came over straight from work, he got here a little after 6. I heated back up all that food I had made all afternoon, made some Herb-seasoned Chicken Tenders and we had a nice quiet dinner together :) We spent some time outside on the front porch enjoying the fresh air and each other's company. The rest of the time we cuddled up on the couch in the back room in the AC and watched Star-Trek re-runs (gotta love Jon Luke Picard lol). We said our goodbyes and he was so cute.. he kissed me and said "I Love You" then bent down and kissed my belly and said "I Love You Too", gave me a final hug and got in the truck. He had me lock up the house and then left (around 830p); I couldn't help it, I watched from the bay window in the front room until his taillights disappeared.

The Rest of the Night:
Did some dishes, watched some TV. I started feeling some nausea and a bad headache so I laid down on the couch in the AC and fell asleep. Woke up with everyone got home at nearly 1am and went upstairs to bed. Tossed and turned 1/2 the night, trying to ignore some mild contractions.

Bad Day:
I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach and started throwing-up (sorry if this is TMI!). So no coffee, no real food.. I'm so mad that all I've been able to eat are plain carbs ALL DAY, I am screwed at the doctors tomorrow (they are going to check my sugar again..). I do not want to have to do the blood test and now I am going to have no choice. I find myself craving chicken parm or pizza (something saucy/cheesy) but all i've been able to eat all day besides crackers and toast was a scrambled egg & some plain pasta. Which doesnt honestly improve my mood. Aside from a lot of BH all day, absolutely nothing is going on in that department. I am so frustrated and angry and cranky, I just want to hit someone or something. But since I can't I almost feel like crying. Women on the message board keep telling me that nausea/diarrhea/vomiting is a pre-cursor to labor but I don't even want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed when I wake up tomorrow still pregnant. I feel so dissapointed that the baby isn't here yet, like I'm almost in disbelief that he will EVER get here :( I feel miserable and desperate like I want to get in my truck and run away.

The Only Highlight So Far:
in this horrible unhappy day was hearing from Erik a few hours ago about the truck. He asked me to order him a new LMC catalog for the F150 as he's probably getting it although nothing 100% confirmed yet. I can admit I finally laughed/smiled when he told me "I didn't sleep well last night, I kept getting up every 2 hours to pee..... thanks baby" LOL @ Sympathy Pains again! It did cheer me a little to hear his voice, especially when he reminded me that he Loves Me :)

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