Today we are 38 Weeks + 6 Days ~ Only 8 Days to Go!!!
Perfection (or very nearly):
I got up early, and baked a double batch of brownies on Sunday :) Erik came to visit around 11am, I couldn't have been happier. We just sat around and hung out for a few hours but it was so nice to see him. I wish he didn't leave so soon but it's life, he was gone before 2pm. The few hours sitting in the Living Room talking about the baby, and sitting on the porch enjoying the fresh air together.. that's perfection to me, or very nearly. The only thing that could have made it better was if the baby had been there with us.
Clean Freak:
I got angry and spent a good portion of my Sunday cleaning obsessively; dishes, counters, stove. I even baked a nice big corn bread which came out really good; that's another recipe to hold onto. We had BBQ chicken with pasta for dinner, yum. Then Mom, Dad & I went for a walk around the neighborhood again.
Baby Developments:
It is still not regular enough to make me think "IT'S TIME" and send me to L&D which makes me so frustrated, but I've started getting much worse back pains Sunday & today combined with some minor cramping, a little nausea and a whole new pain. This new pain isn't very painful (scale of 0-10 it's probably a 2 or 3 at this point), I feel a twinge of pain and then a lot of pressure, then it goes away. I have been getting this every 5-10min for a few hours at a time, before it dissipates, and then comes back hours later.
Memorial Day:
I've been up since about 630am. Mom & I ran out early to buy me a maternity bathing suit; I didn't want to spend the $ on it but we both knew I'd be pretty unhappy at the pool all day but not able to swim. We got a really nice suit, flip flops and sunscreen for me. Really glad we did as it turned out to be 85deg today! Then we went to the pool club and spent the entire day there (11am - 6pm). I played bingo and actually won $15. Apparently swimming is a heaven-send, NO GRAVITY!!!! Lot's more BH & other pains but still nothing regular. Turned a little pinkish which will probably turn brown in a day or two, but I forgot to put lotion on the tops of my feet & the backs of my hands so they burned :( owch. Mimi came back from the Poconos this afternoon, she's in Super-Cranky-Bratty mode and has been driving me nuts ever since. Easily assisted by Steph who's in Hyper-Sensitive-Bitchy mode, UGH! BBQ for dinner again; Burgers & French Fries.
I'm just waiting to hear from Erik, to take a walk & to go to bed. I'm currently (started about 5min ago while typing this) experiencing back pain & menstrual-like cramps simultaneously which is beginning to actually hurt (maybe a 3 or a 4 on the 0 - 10 scale). There's only 3Hours left in May so I'm fairly certain now that Joshua will be a June-Bug and not a May-Flower lol. So much for everyone who thought I'd go super early and have a Memorial Weekend Baby!
2 months ago
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