Friday, June 18, 2010

Talk about an Eventful Day!

Today we are 40 Weeks + 2 Days Pregnant.... Still Waiting!!!

The last few days are a fairly un-eventful blur. With today being the insanely Eventful Exception!

Doctor's Appointment:
I had a doctors appointment at 8am. Vitals: BP was good. Urine was clean for sugars (yet again). I gained 1lb (putting me at 208.1lbs.. owch). Baby's heartbeat sounded great. The good news? They said I was 1cm dilated! They were very concerned over his size though, now that I am "over-due". They ordered a rush growth scan. I left and got some gas for the truck, hit the diner for some breakfast around 1030Am. Managed to score a street parking spot on my way back to the parking lot (yay for free parking!). Went up to Radiology on the 2nd Floor for the sonogram. They said baby was measuring 10lbs 8oz! I went back down to the Clinic and had a "consult" with Dr.Rabin (yes a DOCTOR), the NP and the head nurse who recommended re-doing he 1 Hour Glucose Challenge Test (Gestational Diabetes test) due to his size. Then they sent me with a PA (Physicians Assistant), a really nice student from Hofstra up to L&D on the 3rd Floor. They had me do the blood draw for the Glucose Test after about a 1/2 hour of freaking out. Lucky for me the nurse (RN) and the PA were super nice and sat with me calming me down and talking me through it. They ended up putting in an IV Saline Lock just in case. They monitored baby's heart rate & pulse, and any contractions (yes they were there even when I couldn't feel them!). They also did another sonogram. This time they measured baby at 11+lbs!!! They sent me up to Ante-Partum with a High Risk Doctor on the 4th Floor for yet another sonogram. After 2 different High Risk Doctors collaborated they decided baby is roughly 9lbs x_x. My Diabetes test came back negative (duh?). By 4PM they did yet another internal exam and said that I was 3cm dilated, soft cervix, 50% effaced and baby is a -1 station (baby is fully engaged in the pelvis) :D!!!!! Even better news? They checked my pelvic structure and said that they feel I should have plenty of room to deliver a 9lber the natural V way! :D!!!!!! They set up an induction for 12pm Tuesday for "if" I'm still pregnant by then. Then they sent me home until the contractions become more painful. By that time of course I was having regular contractions roughly every 10min and they were bordering on painful. So I left the truck in it's free parking spot. Mom & I stopped at the diner because I was starving and then she drove home.

Car Accident:
As mom was driving home (on Union Tpk W/B) we stopped at the red light at Bell Blvd and an elderly woman driving a Toyota (3 strikes your out lmao) slammed into us on the rear driver's side! Apparently her axel snapped in half and she lost control scraping the car behind us and finally hitting us! Mom's neck/shoulder were hurting her and later we realized she'd sprained her wrist bracing against the steering wheel. She was trapped because of were the old lady's car was, and her axel punched a nice fist-sized hole in the rear tire of our car! I of course called 911. They sent a ton of cops, firetruck and an ambulance (because of me...). It worked out OK and we're both fine! But after the accident my contractions shifted entirely into my back for awhile before disappearing.

Wonderful Welcome Home:
After all that, we finally get home & the drama and crap begins x_x. I'm not going into it because I don't feel like stressing out all over again. But I ended up doing some dishes & then cooking dinner (Mimi did help a bit). By then the back pain had gotten pretty strong and finally switched back to a "normal" contraction! I did a little crochet. Then Mom, Dad & I went for a walk around the neighborhood. By the time we got back from the walk I was having contractions every 3-6min and they were pretty painful (still able to talk through them though!).

It's 2am, can't sleep because of back pain. I took a nice hot shower which helped some. Still contracting but it's slowed a little bit since I showered (to every 10min). I'm going to try to get some sleep. Hopefully I wake up in 2hours in real pain LoL!

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