Friday, June 4, 2010

NYC Summers O_O

Today we are 39 Weeks + 3 Days Pregnant ~ Only 4 Days to Go!!

Wake Up:

I sat bolt up right in bed for no real reason, checked the clock, shrugged and decided to head downstairs. Not 10 min later the door bell rang. Erik dropped by for just a few minuets. A quick hug or two and a few kisses later he was off and running. But certainly my favorite way to wake up :)!

I spent the day cleaning. Did a load of sterilizing via dishwasher. A load of baby laundry. Did a whole bunch of dishes. Cleaned up the living room a bit (where most of the baby stuff has been sitting since the Shower lol). Cleaned up my half of the bedroom. Mom even got Mimi up here to start cleaning her half, she even managed to vacuum most of the room!

Too Hot:
NYC Summers are hot. But much worse than the heat is the humidity. I'm dying!! It was litterally to hot for any of us to want to cook, so we took a short walk up to the Diner :) One order of Chicken Parmigana later :D!

More on my Other Half:
Erik called as we were leaving the Diner to let me know he got the new truck, it's registered and on the road and everything already! So now I can stop worrying about him crashing and getting hurt or getting stuck in LI when I go into labor :D! He said he's going to come visit tomorrow after work (he's working 1/2 a day). ^_^ YAY ME!!!!!

The Plan:
Assuming it doesn't rain Mom & I will drop Mimi @ temple and go to the pool club for a while. Then Erik is visiting me :) and (again assuming it isn't raining) Mom & Mimi are going back to the pool. Steph is going out to the movies or something as well :)! All in all it aught to be a good day tomorrow!
Still waiting anxiously for little Joshua to make his appearance.
Can't wait to spend some time visiting with my Grandma either!

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