Today we are 40 Weeks Pregnant ~ Today is Due Day..... (7 Days till the original Due Date)
Lazy Day:
I slept in late, had a late breakfast and bummed around most of the day. Steph baked some chocolate chip cookies which were pretty darn good (I still like mine better) with a nice cold glass of milk :). I totally forgot all about the pool too so never went swimming today (oops).
We spent the afternoon cleaning up a little. Mom did the stairs to the basement. Mimi, Steph & I cleaned the den & the dinning room up. And I did another round of baby items in the dishwasher. I also finally opened up and checked out the breast-pump I bought. Pretty nifty little thing.
Grandma Is Here!:
So my Grandmother came out to the East Coast (from AZ) last week for my cousins wedding and she isn't leaving back to AZ until 6/20. She has been staying in NJ though with my cousin and she just got into NY this evening! :) She will be staying with us for a few days (until Sunday I believe). So if this is what Joshua has been waiting for, for his Great-Grandma to get to NY then LET'S GET MOVING LITTLE BOY!!! We ate dinner & went for a walk (all 6 of us) as a family which was really nice :).
Baby Updates:
40 weeks today and still no baby! Unless the original Due Date (6/15) was correct... in which case I still have 7 more days to go?? He still hasn't moved much all day :\ except when I was on the phone with Erik. Joshua always seems to know when I'm talking to his Daddy or when his Daddy is near by and he always squirms around for him :)! **[SORRY IF THIS IS TMI....]** but I've been having er.. very loose BMs yesterday and today. Which I've heard is a sign for labor, along with the decrease in movement from baby. I've been having pretty bad back pain all evening since we took that walk, along with some *pains* and some pressure in the lady-parts. I just don't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed (yet again) when I wake up tomorrow still pregnant *sigh*.
My Other Half:
Erik called this evening as he does every evening :) He noticed the time and called me from the 7-11 parking lot LoL because he didn't want it to get too late :)!! He asked me "So am I a daddy yet?" lol as if I wouldn't have called him right away! I ranted to him about the idea of a C-section and not wanting one :( He said well you need to accept that you might have to have one. Fine for a medical reason. Fine if I labor and simply CAN NOT birth this baby for whatever reason. Fine if it comes down to putting the baby's health or my health at risk. But I really just want to be allowed to try to give birth the natural way damn it! He said Okay I agree with you, I understand just keep it in mind. *sigh* I know he's just trying to help me so I wont be so upset if it ends up happening... but I don't want him to tell me that, I want him to be as annoyed about it as I am. I want him to be my DEFENDER and stand up for what I want... Gawd I'm being silly x_x lmao. We chatted for a few minuets and then it was time for *The Walk* so we said our I Love You's and our Good Night's and that was all for today.
Here's to hoping this baby decides to come on his own in the next few days!
1 month ago
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