Today We are 37 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant ~ Only 20 Days Left!
Why Do I Wake Up?:
I wake up to pee every few hours, I wake up just to roll over, I wake up when Mimi is being woken up, and I wake up when Stephanie's alarm clock goes off.. she didn't but I DID! Ugh
Lazy Day:
I really didn't do much, and certainly nothing remarkable today. I lazied around, except for some dishes.
My Other Half:
I spoke to my other half tonight, as usual. He was in a horrible mood but fairly sedated lol and was being pretty silly; I guess for my benefit. I mentioned to him my supper swollen fingers and feet.. even my TOES are swollen! He chuckled and asked if I was having fun yet. I told him my fears that his truck will break down and he will be stranded while I'm in labor. He said he's been having that nightmare for about a month now; but not to worry he'll be there. I told him how I was getting cramping earlier today. He asked me why I was surprised. I told him about these crazy dreams I've been getting; always about this little guy being born, and so vivid I've been waking up thinking I'm in labor, only to realize it's just a dream. He told me that it's almost time. Then we said our I-Love-You's and parted ways for another night.
Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment at 9am, so I have to get up early *SIGH*. I'm supposed to get a physical exam so I should be able to find out if there's any progress and if it's OK for me to go to the Bridal Shower on Sunday. Erik & Mom are both expecting to hear that I'm already a few centimeters dilated. Looking forward to this appointment like a freaking root canal (not that I know what that is but... I know it's not pleasant! LoL); aside from the physical exam which isn't fun in it's own right but well worth the information, I have to get the Group B Strep test which sucks as my doctor isn't very nice about that particular test o_o''. (Enough Said!)
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